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Is a treatment that uses non-invasive short burst of high intensity light to treat melasma, rosacea, broken capillaries (telangiectasia), and improve skin texture and general discoloration or mottling of skin tones. The flexibility in this device is in its ability to use a broad spectrum of wavelengths which can target specific depths in dermal tissue. This is in contrast to “lasers” which only deliver one wavelength at a time. Energy produced by the IPL is absorbed by discolored skin cells which causes damage only to these specific cells. The body then eliminates this damaged tissue and synthesizes skin cells as well as collagen and elastic fibers (the cross-linked framework that holds skin together and gives it a youthful appearance). The short burst of energy ensures little to no damage to neighboring healthy cells as the wave length of light used actively selects red and brown pigments in the skin for treatment only.

Treatment Intense pulse light 20-30 minutes prior to the treatment a topical anesthetic is applied to numb the area that is being treated to take the sensation from a sharp elastic band to a dull elastic band and provides comfort to a client during treatment. The topical anesthetic is washed off and a cooling gel is placed on the areas to be treated. The IPL head piece is then used to direct light onto the treatment areas. Treatment areas originally pigmented will be even more pronounced with color. This is expected and shows the wavelength of light has reached the targeted tissue. This is a temporary effect and will dissipate within a few days and brown spots will flake off within two weeks after treatment.

Treatments required

Typically 1-3 treatments are used to attain full benefit. Each treatment will leave your skin glowing and youthful. Treatments space 2-3 weeks apart for best results.

Post Treatment

It is important to be well moisturized and avoid direct sun exposure as much as possible. A good sunscreen with SPF 30 will help in preventing future discoloration. Each treatment will leave your skin glowing and youthful. Treatments space 2-3 weeks apart for best results.

DermaLase IPL / Photo-rejuvenation

This process of improving the skin color and texture through the use of light energy is known as Photo-rejuvenation. [Photo = Light; Rejuvenation = to make young again]. Rejuvenation of the skin is not new and has been accomplished for many decades through chemical peeling, laser resurfacing and derma-brasion. These procedures, while extraordinarily effective, involve removal of the epidermis – the outermost layer of skin. For that reason, they are considered ablative procedures and require a recuperation period of several days to weeks. Improvement in skin color and texture without damaging or removing the epidermis is referred to as non-ablative rejuvenation.

The DermaLase IPL is a novel light source used for non-ablative photo-rejuvenation of the face, neck, chest, forearms and hands. The light produced by the DermaLase IPL consists of visible and infrared wavelengths. It does not emit any ultraviolet rays or other harmful rays. The DermaLase IPL is FDA approved and is considered safe.

The following graphic illustrates the DermaLase IPL

treatment process. Red blemishes from broken blood vessels and brown spots of pigment from sun damage respond to Intense Pulsed Light. The light is changed to heat energy as it reaches to the level of the collagen beneath the skin surface.

After treatment with the DermaLase IPL improvement in skin color and texture occurs in stages:

Improvement in skin color can be observed within weeks while changes in texture may not become apparent until months after treatment.

Initially, i.e., within weeks after treatment, improvement is noticed in the color of the skin, as the DermaLase IPL attempts to promote a more even complexion. In particular, it attempts to improve dark patches - known as hyperpigmentation - and persistent redness - known as erythema. Hyperpigmentation may appear as diffuse darkening of the skin or it may be more localized - in patches of varying sizes. These patches may include - what are commonly referred to as - freckles, age spots, sun spots, and liver spots. Erythema may also appear diffusely or in smaller patches. Both hyperpigmentation and erythema develop as a consequence of years of sun exposure and may also appear as a result of some inflammatory skin conditions, such as Rosacea.

As a later appearing benefit, i.e., often months after treatment, improvement may occur in skin texture, i.e., fine lines, because of the DermaLase IPL™ potential to stimulate the production of new collagen in the dermis.

Treatment takes about 30 minutes and is administered every 3 to 4 weeks. Immediately after treatment your skin may be pink and slightly swollen for a few hours or longer, but often no visible changes are present and you can immediately resume all activities. All usual skin care products can be continued. However, if you do have any redness, you should not use any products that may irritate the skin until the redness fades. A series of 6 treatments are initially administered at intervals of 3 weeks. The appeal of the DermaLase IPL™ is that there is no interruption in your lifestyle – you may continue all normal work and recreational activities.

After treatment, you should apply a sunscreen prior to any anticipated sun exposure, until any redness and swelling disappears. However, because sunlight is the most common cause of many of the alterations in skin that we are attempting to improve with the DermaLase IPL, a sunscreen is a recommended part of your daily regimen when sun exposure is anticipated.

Laser and Chemical Resurfacing

Prominent and deep wrinkles and facial expression lines, as well as significant changes in skin color and texture, require deeper resurfacing. Resurfacing is presently performed by laser (laser resurfacing) or with a chemical solution (chemical resurfacing). Chemical resurfacing is commonly called

chemical face peeling, even though there is no actual peeling of skin. These procedures involve the removal of the outer layers of skin that have been altered, primarily, because of age or decades of sun damage. Once the damaged layers of skin are removed, the skin spontaneously regenerates or resurfaces

When it does, the newly formed skin texture is smoother than in its untreated condition. In addition, splotchy pigmentation is usually improved and skin color becomes more even and homogenous.

Treatment Prices: 

15 min $105.00    Pre-pay for 3 treatments 15 min $283.50

30 min $199.50   Pre-pay for 3 treatments 30 min $567.00

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